27 October 2010

Sacred Space

For the past few months I've been working on a new blog. I got the idea long ago to start a blog dedicated exclusively to my writings on Indian classical dance and the performing arts. The name 'Sacred Space' is inspired by the temples where Indian classical dance used to be performed. The above photograph is of Swapnasundari, a famous Kuchipudi dancer photographed at Khajuraho temple by an equally famous Indian photographer, Avinash Pasricha who has kindly allowed me to feature his photograph in Sacred Space.

So far, Sacred Space is mostly a collection of some of the articles I've already had published. I plan to add new material on a regular basis.

In the meantime, I will still be here, sharing what's going on outside my window.

Enter Sacred Space here.


kc said...

'Sacred Space' is a welcome addition to the blog world for us dance aficionados!Thank you.

Sankar said...

ah, I just recommended to you in a comment to read about Rukmini Arundele without realizing that you are a Bharatanatyam dancer yourself :) Sorry.

Isabel said...

Thanks Sankar, I was going to answer that message by saying that I know all about Rukmini Devi :-)