28 April 2011

More weird web searches

It’s fun looking at blog stats. I especially like clicking on ‘recent keyword activity’ to see what people typed into google to get to my blog. Some of the results are quite funny! I had already listed a few here. But since that was over three years ago, I’m including a few of the more recent weird web searches below:

my wife orders me to wear churidar in home and outside

what is the ideal day to cut your hair

in the sun yelling at her maid

saturday haircut is not auspicious

according to panchang which is a good day to buy a car

escape death with ayyappa blessings

sanskrit mantras to be recited at the time of engagement

why does clothing from india smell

I love the smell of mud when it just begins to rain

vintage automatic watch restoration in bangalore

good grinder/mixer for desi cooking

are the idols and elephant gods hindustanis worship babylonian

head shakes vigourously after meditation

indian aunties bathing neighbour watching from window

where to get pressure cooker repaired in little india singapore

after it rains these tiny little bugs squeeze through my window


Isabel said...

Here's another I got today:

"how much bribe to pay to get driving license in bangalore"

CrazyLassi said...

God that made me laugh :)