18 May 2008

Flower power

Flowers are an important part of everyday life in India. Almost every street corner has a vendor selling flowers. They are used to decorate idols and given as offerings in temples. Women wear garlands of jasmine flowers in their hair. I came across this flower market in Gandhi Bazaar and I couldn't resist taking some pictures. Flower markets are a riot of colours and the smell of fresh jasmine flowers is heavenly!


Kit said...

What beautiful photos of the flower markets. I remember seeing women in Chennai riding on the back of motorscooters and getting a whiff of jasmine from their hair as they rode by me. I was amazed that not only were they riding "sidesaddle" but that they never seemed to have a hair out of place, a feat I never could have managed, even in my youngest days.

I was talking this weekend with friends from Chennai and Mumbai, and I gather that a lot of the flowers in India are now grown for export to the US and other places. I used to live in a city in Indiana that was nicknamed the Rose City because rose greenhouses were a big industry there. Now the greenhouses are empty and dilapidated, which is a loss of sorts, I guess.

Thank you again for sharing the sights and sounds and smells of India with us.


GMG said...

Beautiful series! Love all those reds!

Rodwellian said...

I can smell them from here. Awww sweet.